A few days ago I told you about how I keep my correspondence items organized: the mini photo album!
But how do I keep my daily life organized?
I am a huge list person.
My brain is usually a swirl of lists and other randomness. Constant thoughts of new things to do, how to improve, necessary things that HAVE to be done, etc. I'm the type of person that can't JUST watch tv. That's why a laptop is so perfect for me. I can be doing at least 5 things at a time on it. I'm a major multi-tasker. I like productivity and progress.
For the craziness that circles "inside my head" I use an online note/list maker called Backpackit.
I don't use Backpackit for even 1/10th of what it's capable of, but it's super user friendly and since it's web based, I can access it anywhere from the internet. With the free plan you get 5 free pages. On each page you can create endless lists, notes, journals, calendars, etc. Here's a screenshot of just the very top of my first page:
On just ONE page, I have about twelve lists. Things like you see here which are ideas of fun things to do with my son this summer, progress I want to make on my blog, to things I want to make, etc. A HUGE list I have are future blog post ideas - probably 50 items in there. Other lists are things I want to do for Xmas 2009 and general to do lists, etc. I keep this page up on my browser all the time. At work and at home. Anytime something pops into my head that I want to do, look at, create or research, I put it on this page.
I have a separate page that I share with my husband. This has a list of household to dos. Things that need to be done around the house, etc. I also have some future planning on there. Our son is 2 and I have plotted out what year he'll start pre-K as well as when he'll graduate high school (Class of 2026!) :)
On shared pages, you and the people you share with can all make revisions to the pages and make notes, etc. Great for a committee or group of people working on one project.
I also have a separate page that is a tickler of special occassion dates to remember. Birthdays, anniversaries, my friend's children's birthdays, etc.
So that's how my personal life and thoughts are kept straight. What about work?
At work, it's less high tech LOL. Kinda backwards, huh?
Even though my husband bought me a PDA, I just couldn't get into it. Not sure why other than these two reasons: 1) for some reason at work, I like to write things down and 2) I like to cross things off my list. For work, I use a small notebook. It looks like this. It's 5X7 size.
I have one notebook at a time and I write everything work related in it. All my notes, all my lists go in this one book. It's small enough to fit in my purse and I only use one.
After I finish a task, I highlight it instead of crossing it off. Why? Because with a highlighter, I can still see what the task was that I did instead of wondering if it got done. If there is a task that needs further information or is a question for someone else, I usually go back in another color and write in the answer. That let's me know that I got an answer or that I still need something to finish it - progress made.
More than you needed to know, right?
I always love finding out how others stay organized. In fact, I learned about Backpackit from another friend and I began using it immediately. Who knows... someone may read this on a day they really need it.
If not.. call me crazy and we'll move on. LOL
I'm loving your binder idea and the highlighted "done" is so much more fun than the crossed out "done".
Thanks for the great idea!
Posted by: Debbie | April 20, 2009 at 09:28 PM
GREAT backpack tip! What a great way to keep thing centrally located.
just signed up - and ready for the fun begin! Thank you, thank you! :)
Posted by: Brooke M. | April 21, 2009 at 08:04 AM
I'll have to check out backpackit. Thanks for the tip.
Posted by: Bahama Shores Mama | April 21, 2009 at 08:35 AM
Have you seen 43things.com? In addition to having systems for managing the daily and short- to mid-term tasks, I also like to keep a "big life goals" list, and I've found 43things is great for that. That's where I include things like "run a marathon" and "ride in a hot air balloon." I may not start them this week, but I like having a place to track those big ideas. And 43things has a great community of people to cheer you on, plus some useful alert features ("remind me about this in one year.")
Thanks for the tips!
Posted by: Hannah | April 21, 2009 at 02:59 PM
I use google notebook. I also keep a moleskin notebook with me at all times incase inspiration comes along! I bet its good to know that there is someone out there as neurotic as you about lists!
Posted by: Kendall @ Kendall's Entertaining Life | April 23, 2009 at 09:18 AM
What a great idea! I love it!!
Posted by: Mirielle | April 23, 2009 at 05:48 PM