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April 20, 2009


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I'm loving your binder idea and the highlighted "done" is so much more fun than the crossed out "done".

Thanks for the great idea!

Brooke M.

GREAT backpack tip! What a great way to keep thing centrally located.
just signed up - and ready for the fun begin! Thank you, thank you! :)

Bahama Shores Mama

I'll have to check out backpackit. Thanks for the tip.


Have you seen 43things.com? In addition to having systems for managing the daily and short- to mid-term tasks, I also like to keep a "big life goals" list, and I've found 43things is great for that. That's where I include things like "run a marathon" and "ride in a hot air balloon." I may not start them this week, but I like having a place to track those big ideas. And 43things has a great community of people to cheer you on, plus some useful alert features ("remind me about this in one year.")

Thanks for the tips!

Kendall @ Kendall's Entertaining Life

I use google notebook. I also keep a moleskin notebook with me at all times incase inspiration comes along! I bet its good to know that there is someone out there as neurotic as you about lists!


What a great idea! I love it!!

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