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May 13, 2009


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Oh my- that's mommy of the year stuff there! I love it, I may have to blog about it too.

Jennifer Gesch

Such a great idea. Things have come a long way since the plastic Snoopy lunchbox that I took to school every day. I need to remember these for when my little guy heads to school. Thanks so much for sharing.

michelle {sweet mady paper + gifts}

Oh that makes me feel like such an uncreative mom! I thought I was doing good with my little cookie cutters :)


Wow, Michelle. I am SO glad you posted this! I would love to do this for Ben's lunches when it comes time for me to send them along with him to school. At his preK now, they serve lunch, but come kindergarten or beyond, this would be great! Wendy is supah creative!!!!!!

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