Well, if you've read this blog for any time at all, you know that I'm a planner.
Yep, can't hide that fact very well, huh? If you saw me in real life, you'd see notebooks and calendars. Notebooks of lists, mostly. What types of lists? Oh.. just about anything, really.
- grocery lists
- random personal to do lists
- my son's packing list to go to his grandparent's house
- xmas lists
- things I'm continually looking for at Goodwill
- lists of future blog posts
- notes on people/press that have contacted me
- upcoming dates to remember
- and even a list of things I want to accomplish TONITE!
BUT... I just marked one thing off my list and YOU CAN TOO!
It's time to begin thinking about your holiday cards. Yes, I know, we haven't even sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, but wouldn't it be great if you got the cards taken care of NOW instead of getting others in the mail and feeling the stress of not only not having yours in the mail yet, but not even knowing what you're doing for them?
I want to introduce you to pre-designed holiday cards by KM Thomas Designs.
In the past, I've always designed my own cards and had them printed at Vistaprint. I've used Vistaprint for many things in the past and their quality and service is spot on, every time.
This year, I chose to spotlight a designer's work instead. I found a great design with Krysta at KM Thomas Designs! Krysta is super easy to work with and you just send her your photos and she pops them into the design. Plus, she gives you the option of changing the colors, the wording, the fonts.. just about everything! Here are a few of her most popular designs right now:
This is one of my faves. I almost went with this one to feature my sweet son.
Maybe you like to send New Year's cards instead. I personally love new year's cards because it gives people something fun to get in the mail after the letdown of Christmas passing. I love this one!
The BEST thing about Krysta? Well, there are two! One... if you don't see something you like, she'll work with you on a custom design.
And TWO... for my readers only, she's offering a FREE matching return label design. When you place your order with her, mention in the comments field that you saw her work on Everyday Celebrating and she'll throw in a matching return label design. Thank you, Krysta!
So you go through Krysta and she sends you jpegs of your card AND your free label design. What next?
Well, you go over to my friends at Vistaprint, upload your designs and use the Everyday Celebrating discount to order your cards and return labels. For my cards, I use the oversized 5X7 postcard and I utilize the front and the back. Vistaprint features free GLOSS which really makes your cards look top notch. Their printing is equal to any professional printer and they are FAST!
My cards are ordered and soon, I'll show you first hand photos of what they look like so you can SEE how amazing they turn out.
Krysta from KM Thomas Designs and Vistaprint make your holiday cards come together quickly! So grab a camera, take your holiday photo and get these out of the way! And while we're talking about cards, while you're waiting on the shipment from Vistaprint, take that time to clean up your card list. Update addresses, add folks you've met over the past year that you want to include, etc.
It's ok. You don't need to thank me. ;)