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August 19, 2010


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Thank you so much for featuring me! I greatly appreciate you!!


So pleased I found this page! I am teaching myself copperplate at the moment and the range of flourished cursive styles Jennifer does is amazing! Really a good site to learn from. It's great to see her italic styles alongside the pressure-nib scripts and to compare the effects (especially the flourishes).

Can I just say one tip from my own experience -- if anyone's interested in starting as an amateur calligrapher, cursive flourished styles like Jennifer's are quite difficult to master. So it's very rewarding to start with a broad nib (not a copperplate nib) and practise roundhand or even a simple Gothic alphabet so you get the idea of how to 'draw' letters. (I've posted a free online Gothic tutorial at www.calligraphy-skills.com/gothic-alphabet.html.) Then it's easier to move on to the trickier scripts.

When I teach my next beginners' calligraphy workshops I'll definitely be consulting Jennifer's site -- also a good place to refer students to so they can see a full range of cursive scripts and what they can be used for. Great inspiration! Thanks for the link.


WHOA! Beautiful work. She's extremely talented.

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