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November 16, 2010


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I use approximately 3-4 rolls. Thanks for the giveaway!

Cineca Newburn

Well, I've already used almost 2 rolls ( and it's only mid-November) :) So, probably 5. I'm a crazy taper!

Cineca Newburn

I already follow Everyday Celebrating on Facebook. My user name is Cineca Keck Newburn. Thank u!


I probably use around 3 rolls.


I usually go through about 4 rolls. But some of that is because my kids steal them or I misplace them!


Would love to try this - didn't know it could be used this way!

Tiffanie Burger

Hey Michelle...I already follow your blog on FB!! I don't usually count, but I'd guess I use at least 3 to 4 rolls of tape during Christmas. (Since having a kid, the tape usage has gone up!) LOL Thanks for the great giveaways!!


I go through several rolls on my crafting projects and then usually one or two on wrapping, too!


I like your page on Facebook!


I go thru 3-4 rolls of tape and at least 2 rolls of double-stick tape - I love the stuff!


I like you on Facebook, user name Brenda Cyr Stull!

Dawn G

I already like you on fb ... User name - Dawn Gross



It's insane, but I hardly go through any tape at all at Christmas time- we have these really sturdy gift boxes I've been using for years! Maybe a 1/4 roll, for extended family gifts??

Amy R.

My son goes through a roll a week! He tapes down anything he can. lol. I could have used some of that double sided tape for my daughter's bday party. I didn't know it was strong enough for fabric, even for a short period.

Sarah M.

I usually go through about 3 rolls every Holiday season :)


I probably go through around two, but more if my four year old daughter helps me wrap - she's not very conservative with the tape. :)


I probably go through around two, but more if my four year old daughter helps me wrap - she's not very conservative with the tape. :)


I totally use at least 3! I use it to wrap and to keep things up neatly on the wall and other places.


I go through one roll of tape! I'm a minimalist. :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins

Oh God...at least THREE! (Probably more but I typically buy a 3pk when buying my gift wrap/ribbons at the start of the season.) Great giveaway!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins

Also became a fan on facebook - my name is Colleen Vanier. :) THANKS!


We don't exchange except for the kids so my tape usage during the holidays is probably 1. But I stock up after x-mas and I'm already down to one roll, my kids tape everything.

cindy riley

I use about 3 rolls...the largest size. I used to use more when the children were smaller and the gifts were larger! Cindy

cindy riley

I have already been a Facebook fan! Cynthia Toone Riley


I use about 3 rolls all for wrapping gifts. We get into gift wrapping.

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