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October 05, 2011


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I'm not a mom yet, but my mom taught us some things that I'll definitely teach my own kids one day! The first is to "clean as you go." This means if you start a project and finish using something midway, you put that thing away. That way by the time your project is done, you are pretty much finished cleaning up! She would also set the timer for 15 minutes and we'd all see how much we could get cleaned and/or put away in that time (as fast as we could go). When the timer went off, we stopped. It was fun and between the four of us in our family, we got a lot done in 15 minutes.

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I've had licorice ice cream on my to-do list all summer long but kept putting it off because it just doesn't strike me as a very summery flavor. However, now its fall but even though the leaves have turned bright yellow its still hot and summery outside. The perfect time to test out some fall ice cream flavors.

San Diego Catering

The first is to "clean as you go." This means if you start a project and finish using something midway, you put that thing away. That way by the time your project is done, you are pretty much finished cleaning up! Great read.

רופא שיניים

I have timer to see how many toys and games he can select up before the cooking timer goes off is a fun activity for them. I leap in too and it is a fight who can select up the most toys and games.

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