Who doesn't have a TON of meaningful moments, right? And when you have children, they seem to multiply!
I have a 5 year old son and some of the most meaningful moments are just magical observations from him or touching soft moments like when he still wants me to rock him.
One moment that comes to mind was on Christmas Day 2011.
Two days prior to Christmas, my son got his first bunk bed. He was thrilled. He had spent 2 days in his "man cave" playing and watching cartoons and really enjoying creating his own space with this great new bed. Anyone that has entered the house since, has been escorted directly to the bed to ooh and ahh. LOL
On Christmas Day, my mother (or Gran as my son calls her) and I were in his room putting together one of his new Matchbox race tracks. We had all the pieces laid out and my son was sitting on the top bunk anxiously overseeing the progress.
My mother and I were talking about this piece and that piece. I thought my son was watching the cartoons we had on in the background when he walked down the stairs of the bunk bed and said ...
"I love you, Gran. I love you more than Saturn."
Which, if you know my son, he loves planets and loving you more than Saturn ranks extremely high on the scale.
It was just an out of the blue, unprompted statement, but boy did it mean the world to not only my Mother, but to me as well.
We have several of those types of moments with my son and I can't tell you how many times they stop you in your tracks and really make you realize the beauty in everyday life.
Tell me what your most meaningful moment was in the last year for a chance to win one of 10 complete skin care Anti-Age Systems from Meaningful Beauty.
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The opinions and text are all mine.